The best pimple exercises to start the season

Practical exercises to copy for pimple players
Especially after a long break, it's important for you to “get back into it” and develop a good feeling for the ball. Therefore, you should start with regular exercises and ball paths. A lot of repetitions ensure that you consolidate your movements and that you feel comfortable on the plate.
A few played rallies increase basic security and self-confidence. You get into a "positive vicious circle" faster, which many also call "flow". Your head signals to you "It's going like it did before the break." Or: I hardly noticed the break, either physically or playfully.".
The experienced gamer knows that appearances can sometimes be deceptive and that doesn't mean that you can bring this horsepower to the streets in a game situation. We call this “dangerous optimism”. The first training usually goes so well because the expectations are so low. We have illustrated this with an image:

The course can be individual for everyone. One finds his way back to his level before the break faster, the other more slowly. We have found that it takes most players around 5-7 training sessions to get back to where they were before.
But back to the exercises:
If you play a regular exercise, then you have a much higher training effect. The regularity of an exercise gives you direct feedback as to whether a change has a positive or negative effect and you can correct it more quickly. The current time, when many clubs only come to the hall with structured schedules, may even be a good time to start structured training. As an example, we would like to show you these exercises as a suggestion:
For the long pimples player/antitop player close to the table:
- You backhand each ball into your partner's backhand.
- Your partner alternately plays a ball into your backhand and a ball into the middle of the table (if you like, just lift it slightly).
This strengthens your backhand game while moving . You are free to choose the technique you want to use to play the exercise. A combination is also possible. Various techniques can be, for example:
- Just play the ball in safely
- shoving
-Push the ball forward
-side wiper
If it's going very well and you can do a lot of repetitions, then you can go one step further and after the third or fourth round choose a ball to attack with the forehand side and play it to win points.
For the short pimple player:
You play each ball into your partner's backhand side. Your partner alternately plays a ball into your backhand and a ball into your forehand. Since you then play parallel forehand, you should open and adjust the leg position a little.
For advanced:
Your partner puts a ball in your backhand, then one in the middle of the table, then another ball in your backhand, and then one in your forehand. You continue to play every ball into your partner's backhand.
For the long pimples player far from the table:
Your partner plays every ball into your side that you want to defend with. For most players, this is the backhand side. Your partner alternately attacks one ball and discards the other. So you have an alternation between defending against attack shots and your reaction to just dropped balls. This situation is extremely close to the game and is very common.
We are happy to give you these suggestions for the training along the way. Hopefully many of you will implement something from it. Do you already have exercises that you like to play before the season? If yes, then write them in the comments. We are happy!
Greetings from the Sauer & Tröger team