The world's #1 nubbed underpants in table tennis
Dear friends of the knob,
the very satisfied and confident team from Sauer & Tröger brings you back to the table tennis hall with this post. Regardless of whether you are sitting in the office, on the couch or anywhere else reading this text.
In our previous newsletter we ventured a cautiously optimistic outlook for the 2021/2022 season.
This has now swung from cautiously optimistic to extremely optimistic. The season has started almost everywhere. You meet again and have fun in a more sociable get-together. From talks with many officials, it seems to stay that way at the moment. It's fun and let's keep it going!
With these great prospects behind us, we immediately got creative again. The most important utensil for your 2021/2022 series game comes from us. So that you can cut a good figure in the changing room or when picking up the ball with slipping pants, we have the following treat for you:
Together with the cult brand Bruno Banani we have developed the nubbed underpants. We are proud of this cool cooperation and, as in the past season, we have provided the highlight of the year outside the green (or blue) table with the knob rap.
What most of you probably didn't know:
Jose Borge, the managing director of Bruno Banani, is a table tennis pimple player and at the same time a very creative person. At the thought of the nubbed underpants, he was immediately enthusiastic.
The super high-quality and chic pieces come in 4 different versions. Chic in a black look or even more offensive in red.

Also the premiere: underwear models meet table tennis. On the beach of Sylt, they show how you can have fun playing table tennis outside the hall with your trousers on.
The only question that remains is which of the 4 color versions you should order. We think that you should get all 4 of this limited edition with our bundle. And if you don't use them all yourself, there is hardly a better gift for your teammates :D
What do you think of the nubbed underpants? Feel free to let us know what you think in the comments!
And for those who would like to have the nubbed underpants at home soon, click on the following link:
Now to the knobbly underpantsYour Sauer & Tröger team