How pimple players enrich table tennis training
Hello dear knob friends,
First of all, we hope that you are still doing well and that you keep thinking about the little white (or orange) ball. Some of you probably don't even know what your own table tennis bat looks like anymore...
Hand on heart: Without thinking too much, could you say with certainty where your bag, your table tennis shoes and your racket are? Or do you know when you last changed the pads?
Before writing this newsletter, I had made up my mind not to go into too much detail about the current situation. However, it is just too ubiquitous and has an impact on almost all areas.
What we at Sauer & Tröger are currently observing:
It's slowly going uphill. Not yet in Germany, but in some countries significantly more players are ordering new material. From this we conclude that table tennis is also being played outside of the private basement and garden.
Here is a training tip for the time when it goes back into the halls:

Sebastian Sauer wrote articles for the magazine "tischtennis" on behalf of the Association of German Table Tennis Coaches. Title: "How pimple players enrich the training".
Almost everyone of you probably knows the training situation that you as a pimples player did not fit into the scheme and that inappropriate exercises were played. "Wrong" exercises mean that the training does not do much for either side and that the motivation curve remains manageable.
The articles show principles and examples of how pimple players can be integrated into the training in such a way that everyone benefits. We wish those who are interested a lot of fun reading (and implementing).
Finally, what interests us: is your table tennis racket still in the same place at home as it was a year ago?
Have a good time and see you soon
Your Sauer & Tröger team