What we can learn from the table tennis community in Japan

Hello dear pimple community,
Did the title picture scare you at first or at least cause confusion? :D The man in the picture is not dangerous (at least that's what we assume).
It is a protagonist of WRM-TV, the largest table tennis YouTube channel in Japan and the largest YouTube channel in the world for ambitious club players. When choosing the outfit, "Attracting attention" was probably the first motto...
At this point we would like to show what we can learn from the practical example from Japan. In this day and age, it's all about standing out and doing something different than other competitors and other sports. Differentiation is the motto.
While the numbers of table tennis players in Germany and Europe are stagnating or falling (see: https://de.statista.com/statistics/data/studie/215957/umfrage/zahlen-des-deutschen-tischtennis-bundes/ ), it is growing in Asia the number of table tennis fans is steadily increasing. This is also due to a cliché: In this country, table tennis is often associated with boring jingling in a dark hall at a 30-year-old table.
But table tennis is so much more! WRM has now created a YouTube channel which 167,000 enthusiastic table tennis players in Asia follow almost every day. That's when you see what's possible! You also have a premium community that includes more than 1000 members.
New test videos, spontaneous live streams and also humorous content - that catches the eye and gives a sport an image! A lot of people are interested in this and so young players in particular can be enthusiastic about table tennis.
How did we come up with that? During their test we received a great endorsement and they called our new long pimple "Hellfire X" the biggest shock to the pimple market in the last 10 years. We are rightly proud of that. Feel free to watch the test video in Japanese for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF5Mqx2v0zk&t=50s
Even if you don't understand everything, you can get impressions about table tennis in Japan. One thing is certain: the community loves the Hellfire X and it is regularly sold out there. We also have very positive examples from Europe: Channels such as Pongfinity (1.94 million subscribers on YouTube) or Table Tennis Daily (209,000) do a great job, but with table tennis trick shots, for example, are much more intended for the general public than for the ambitious table tennis player.
Such channels are needed. publish content on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.; that's the key to getting noticed. However, in addition to lurid content, real specialist content is more in demand than ever.
We are therefore always happy when other brands for pure offensive players, such as Butterfly, Donic, Andro, Joola or Stiga, create posts, shoot videos or generally publish content on the subject of table tennis. Because we are all in the same boat and want to advance the sport of table tennis.
That inspires table tennis players. Not 6-10 new rubbers that are thrown onto the market every year without a concept. We would also love to see other pimple brands become even more active on social media. For us, it's all about bringing table tennis and playing with pimples forward in its entirety and increasing the pimple community worldwide and triggering enthusiasm for playing with pimples.
That helps us all. With this mission, there is no competitive thinking here, but a common spirit. Feel free to share your thoughts on the blog post with us in the comments or via email.
Best regards
Your Sauer & Tröger team